Getting to the Point A newsletter about the business of life
April 5, 2006

In this issue
  • There Goes Another One
  • Others Have Said
  • On A Personal Note

  • There Goes Another One
    tire pressure

    Did you hear it? I’m referring to the big Whoosh of time passing when we jumped into the second quarter of 2006 on the first day of April.

    Of course you didn’t hear it because time never explodes like a tire blow out; it just leaks out, hour by hour and day by day. Then, not so suddenly, like a slow leak that results in a flat tire, we recognize that time has slipped away and we’re riding on the rim.

    In team sports, the end of the first quarter is sometimes rationalized as no big deal. We’re just getting warmed up, and starting to understand the competition’s game plan. There is plenty of time before the half and if the team is down a few points, that problem can be overcome. After all, there are three more quarters to play.

    Recognizing all of the above may be true, have you ever enjoyed playing a catch-up team sport game? It’s agony to play with the added stress of being behind. There is no margin for error and it’s physically and mentally exhausting not to have an edge over the competition. I believe businesses that are playing ”catch-up” ball all year are physically and mentally exhausting, too.

    At the end of this first quarter of 2006, it’s time to have a look at what you have completed. If you have quarterly goals for the year, take inventory of how you are doing. If you have a simple list for goals for 2006, make a list of what you have accomplished. And before you get too critical of yourself, take pride in what you have gotten done.

    Take note of what isn’t getting done also. Carefully review your list line by line.

    Ask questions about each line item:

    1. Is the goal still important?
    2. Am I the one best capable to complete the goal?
    3. If the goal cannot be delegated, why am I avoiding working on it?

    To help you feel in control of the remaining three quarters of 2006:

    1. Review your quarterly goals each week as you choose your weekly goals
    2. At the end of each work week, compare your success on weekly goals with the aim for the quarter.
    3. Keep your expectations realistic and your time focused as you work on each item during the week.
    4. Identify the time robbing individuals and activities of the past week and how to avoid the time thievery next week.

    This week, make an effort to identify what things you need to change in business and personally to have the year you dreamed of back on January first. It’s not too late. . . . yet.

    If you need help with your business vision, give me a call. I have a special priced one hour evaluation consultation to help owners refocus their goals. Terrfic value for $ 57.00 Call me or e-mail.

    (716) 434-5371
    click here to e-mail

    Others Have Said

    "We must use time as a tool, not a crutch." -- John F. Kennedy

    "We must wait for the evening to see how splendid the day has been." -- Sophocles

    "There is never enough time, unless you're serving it." -- Malcolm Forbes

    On A Personal Note

    I've been rereading Marcus Buckingham's and Donald Clifton's " Now, Discover Your Strengths" a book about building your strengths and ignoring your weaknesses. It's a positive approach to identifying what you are good at doing and how to take advantage of those items.

    Contrary to conventional thinking that suggests spending countless hours trying to strengthen your weakness, The authors help the reader move toward honing talent.

    The chapters made me recall Popeye the sailor's mantra, " I am what I am". It fits right in with the book's message.



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    Newsletter topic ideas and comments are always welcome. Send me an e-note.

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    megaphone man

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