Getting to the Point A newsletter about the business of life
June 14, 2006

In this issue
  • Pull, Don’t Push
  • Are You Consistently Doing the Same Things Over and Over. . . . and Expecting Different Results For Your Business?
  • Others Have Said
  • On A Personal Note
  • Are Your Business Finances in Need of a Makeover?

  • Pull, Don’t Push
    grappling hook

    The grappling hook, Batman’s favorite trade tool, is a device that helps its user pull himself forward. It’s a lethal looking tool, a sort of unsharpened treble fish hook on steroids. Originally used by sailors (pirates) to hook and snag the rigging of a ship nearby, it helped pull the two vessels closer.

    Pull vs. Push is the theme of this newsletter.

    You spend a lot of time in your business pushing for: increased sales, better productivity, decreased expenses and better profits. Pushing works, sometimes. It’s been my experience that pushing requires a tremendous amount of energy from me to make it work well. You have probably had the same experience. I’ve learned that pulling is easier than pushing. If you don’t believe me, try pushing a piece of chain instead of pulling it.

    Here is why I changed my attitude about pushing.

    Farmer Bob once told me that it's a lot easier to pull a load than it is to push it.  He made the comment as he watched me push a very heavy load on a cart.  I was grunting and loosing traction.

    Bob said, "Humans are more efficient pulling than they are pushing." 

    He was right.  Pulling is easier than pushing.

    This applies to people as you inspire them to complete tasks requiring more mental work than physical work.  It is much easier to have a system that pulls work through to complete the job rather than always trying to PUSH!

    No one likes to get pushed around. But, if you make it easier for them to do it rather than not do it, you will get results.

    Make your systems pull for results. Systems that pull instead of push have these characteristics:

    1. Rewards at completion help create a pull for work to flow.
    2. Are easy to use and inviting to attract users to follow them to completion.
    3. Are simplified with easy to follow steps that can be done in chunks and completed one at a time.
    4. Are designed to have time frames for completion to avoid procrastination.

    Are you trying to push sales people to have better performance?

    Are you pushing your employees for more production at less cost?

    The better method for success is to heave your grappling hook and line at the problem and get a good grip on it to pull yourself closer to it. Once you are hooked into a problem, you will begin to construct a path to pull you to the solution.

    Are You Consistently Doing the Same Things Over and Over. . . . and Expecting Different Results For Your Business?

    Someone once said the headline above is the definition of insanity.

    Don’t worry, you’re still sane.

    My experience is that most small business owners don’t get the success and money they want from their businesses because they don’t have a three year vision to pull them forward. You remember what Farmer Bob said, “Pull Don’t Push!”

    A three year vision statement for your business will create the pull for you to get things going in the right direction.

    Stumped on how to start creating a three year vision for your business? Send me an e- mail and I'll send you a Three Year Vision worksheet to get started.

    No Charge.

    Why? Because I don't want you to have any excuses why you don't have a three year vision for your business.Click here.

    Others Have Said

    "We cannot swing up on a rope that is attached only to our own belt." -- William Ernest Hocking

    "There are two ways of exerting one's strength: one is pushing down, the other is pulling up." -- Booker T. Washington

    "When you get to the end of your rope. . . tie a knot and hang on." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

    On A Personal Note

    I was studying my 2006 wall calendar (my "dot calendar" if you are a client) yesterday and was reminded that we'll be halfway through 2006 in a couple of weeks.

    A classic good news/bad news scenario popped into my head. Good news that we'll be enjoying the 90 golden days of summer soon, bad news that we'll be closing out the first half of 2006 already.

    My thoughts are focused on enjoying the 90 days of summer here in the Northeast US. Fun includes the horses and horse shows, some fishing, a day in a canoe and several road trips. What do you have planned for your play days?

    Are Your Business Finances in Need of a Makeover?

    Is your house in order? I mean your business financial house-If your business finances need a makeover, we should talk. We can create a spreadsheet quickly that will serve as your budget (blueprint) for success. If you are like most business owners, you don't use a budget to your advantage to help you create the business you've always wanted.

    Isn't it about time you created a foundation for success? E-mail me and we can get the discussion started. Click here.


    Thanks for reading. Please forward this newsletter to anyone that you think might enjoy it. The subscriber list continues to grow thanks to your efforts.

    Newsletter topic ideas and comments are always welcome. Send me an e-note.

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    megaphone man

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