Getting to the Point A newsletter about the business of life
October 26, 2005

In this issue
  • KISS!
  • Others Have Said
  • On a personal note

  • KISS!
    kiss print

    How about KISS?

    Nope, I’m not writing about: puckering up, my favorite milk chocolate candy, or an oddly dressed rock and roll band.

    I’m writing about Keep It Short & Simple. KISS.

    My friend Bill is an accomplished public speaker. He gave a short talk recently about being brief and getting to the point.

    He used these examples about the power of short.

    1. Lincoln’s second inaugural address of only 701 words contains 505 one syllable words and 122 two syllable words.
    2. The Gettysburg Address contains 266 words.
    3. The Ten Commandments contains 297 words.
    4. The Declaration of Independence contains 300 words.
    5. The U. S. Government Order to Reduce the Price of Cabbage contains 26,911 words.

    You get the point.

    Practice keeping it simple this week. I just did in 134 words.

    Be brief and to the point in creating a plan for your business so you can make more profit in less time. Want to learn more? click here

    Others Have Said

    "The trouble with so many of us is that we underestimate the power of simplicity." -- Robert Stuberg

    "Brevity is the soul of wit." -- William Shakespeare

    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." -- Benjamin Franklin

    On a personal note
    megaphone man

    I like to think I’m a man of few words. Sometimes I am. At home, however, I talk far too much for my teenage children. Trying to be helpful, I attempt to explain things for the children’s benefit and background. Too much information, Dad, is the common complaint.

    In an attempt to keep answers short and simple, No has become my standard response for all questions from the children and all actions by the dogs.

    It works well.


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    Newsletter topic ideas and comments are always welcome. Send me an e-note.

    8 Key Strategies for More Profit in Less Time

    Does your business need a plan to simplify and create more profit in less time? Find out what the 8 key strategies are. click here

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