Getting to the Point A newsletter about the business of life
January 4, 2006

In this issue
  • Stop Chewing and Start Chopping the Fat in 2006!
  • Others Have Said
  • On a personal note

  • Stop Chewing and Start Chopping the Fat in 2006!
    donought eater

    I took January 2, 2006 as a day off from work. The post office wasn’t delivering mail and the banks were closed also. However, I did get a full inbox of junk e-mails promoting the solution to achieving the number one New Year resolution of many North Americans: Lose Weight Now.

    I got e-mails on break-through diets, magical weight loss pills and miracle health clubs. The same day, I saw TV ads with patented low effort- high results exercise machines. I heard radio ads for weight loss programs like Weight Watchers. These advertisers believe many people have resolved to slim down in 2006.

    How about your business resolutions for 2006? If you haven’t given thought to trimming off fat in your business, then you should.

    1. Ask the question, “ Why do we do this?” about processes or procedures that may no longer have a specific purpose.
    2. Review your advertising expenses. Are yellow pages and display advertising in newspapers and magazines getting the results you expect for a reasonable price? Does advertising in countless “Special event” programs (like the beer league softball play-offs) make sense?
    3. How many phone lines are effective for your business? If more and more communication is Internet based like e-mail, webinar or VOIP, do you still need 14 telephone lines?
    4. This is a tough one to ask yourself. Does every position on the payroll contribute to the business in a way that makes sense? If not, change the position’s responsibilities for 2006 or gulp, trim it.
    5. Is every product or service offered by the business producing the revenue expected?
    6. Is valuable office space filled with paper files that are no longer active and should be archived or tossed out?
    7. Is the owner of the business trying to wear too many hats inside the business and sit in too many chairs in various organizations outside the business?.

    The above points are just some of the ways to reduce the weight in your business. Just as easily as some people learn to live with a little extra weight on their frames, so do businesses learn to live with a little extra weight in their businesses. Unfortunately, that little bit of extra weight grows each year and starts to become a serious business health problem.

    Think about the current business situations of General Motors and its abandoned child, Delphi Automotive. They are searching the Internet for every quick business fat-o- matic trimmer on the market that slices, dices and really, really works. A lack of good diet has produced an extra extra-large business body with a ravenous cash appetite that can only find clothes styled by Omar the Tentmaker.

    Just like humans, business weight gain and weight loss doesn’t happen over night. It’s a slow process each way, coming and going.

    Make time at the start of the year for starting a sound weight reduction plan for your business.

    Trimming business fat can be part of your three year plan. My 8 simple strategies for success can help you learn this and other techniques for success. Want to learn more? click here

    Others Have Said

    "Your true value depends entirely on what you are compared with." -- Bob Wells

    "An economist is a surgeon with an excellent scalpel and a rough-edged lancet, who operates beautifully on the dead and tortures the living." -- Nicholas Chamfort

    "Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values." -- Ayn Rand

    On a personal note
    slice of pie

    Count me with the rest of the world that added a few pounds in the last month of the year. I’m working on overcoming a strengthened addiction to sugar and overcoming TPS (tight pant syndrome).

    From Thanksgiving to New Years is a tiring episode. So much food and drink and so little time.

    I did take time off from eating to catch the movie, Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I skipped reading the adventure series as a child but enjoyed the movie with Betsey and the two youngest children It’s an exciting story for any age; you will like it.

    Special Note: In keeping with recent US government regulations put into place at the start of the year, this newsletter contains 0g Trans Fat.

    See you next week, now go do something productive!



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